Group history
The group began in April 1966 as a spin off from another very successful local group. It's original title was '38th Walsall (Walsall Wood) Scout Group', and consisted of a cub scout Pack and a scout troop with members of about 40 and 25 respectively. The original group scout leader was a gentleman named Tom Bailey.
The group retained this title until it became sponsored by the local church, and adopted the title of '38th Walsall (St John's Walsall Wood) Scout Group'. This title remained until the early eighties when the group ceased being linked with the church and took up the title of '38th Walsall (1st Walsall Wood) Scout Group, and is still named so to this day.
A venture scout unit and later (2002) explorer scout unit were formed to accommodate the older scouts. A beaver scout colony was also started early on to provided games and activities for those not yet old enough to join cubs.
In March 2022 the group opened the first Squirrel Drey in Walsall for girls and boys aged 4 and 5.
We are now part of Walsall Scout District and West Mercia Scout County.